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May 29, 2006


Anne Holliday

Hear! Hear! Thanks Phil.

My fondest dream for our beleagured nation:

Re-election of President Al Gore

Re-election of VP John Edwards

Speaker of the House John Murtha

President Pro Tempore of the Senate Russ Feingold

Secretary of State John Kerrey

Secretary of Health & Human Services, Howard Dean

Secretary of Defense, Wesley Clark

Professor Smartass

We need someone like Gore.

What we will get is a DLC corporate puppet who makes some progressive noises but mostly mouths empty platitudes, winds in a squeaker at best, and governs to the right of Bill Clinton and maybe a micron to the left of Papa Bush.

We need to clean the whores out of the party. One way to do it is with public financing of campaigns.

Another is tough anti-corruption laws: no president, vice president, senator, or general who has worked at the Pentagon should be allowed to serve as a corporate lobbyist, CEO or other corporate officer, serve on any corporate board, or accept honoriums or other compensation from anthing but the very generous pension we give them. If they want to write a book, teach college, or help Jimmy Carter with habitat for humanity, great.

But politicians should not see office as a path to personal gain or pursuing business by other means.

If we had rules like those above, half or more of the Democrats wouldn't run for office again, and nearly all the republicans wouldn't.

Robert Green



We are just hitting our heads against a stone wall. Al Gore has stated that he is enjoying his life right now, and is not interested in running. He is more public now because of his documentary. I wish he would run, it would be good for the country, but I don't blame him for choosing a better life. With the Rethuglican smear machine certain to attack him, and maybe his family, he cannot be faulted for avoiding that ugliness. I would have happily voted for Al Gore had he decided to run. At least he was the only Democrat who had the courage to criticize the failings of Bush and the Rethuglicans, and he was right on every count.


My wish for Americans is that Al Gore will run.
You all deserve so much better than what you got.
Run Gore Run, Run Gore Run


The only way to possibly repair the damage from the 2000 coup d'etat is to put the last legitimately elected President of the United States in the Oval Office. Then maybe, just maybe we can all get off our asses and save the country.

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