This is pathetic. Just pathetic. More evidence that no low is too unthinkably low when it comes to "getting right" with 2012's increasingly isolated pseudoconservatives.
According to RealClearPolitics' Erin McPike, "the two living Republicans" the congenitally moderate Jon Huntsman says he "most admires" are -- ready ? -- Paul Ryan and Mike Huckabee. One, an exuberant vendor of fiscal fallacies and other intensely unpleasant ideological mumbo-jumbo; the other, a bottom-feeding exploiter of hayseed ignorance and religious bigotry. And those are the positive profiles.
Mr. Ambassador, by selling your soul now you're only creating your own demons for 2016; they'll come back to haunt you at the most inopportune time -- that is, when the GOP has rendered the likes of Ryan-Huckabee scurrility to the flaky, untouchable margins of third-party Tea Partyism. I simply cannot see how the GOP survives its imminent thrashing in any other way: a massive, ideological cleansing is in the cards, just as surely as the GOP will lose the House next year, as well as all hopes for the Senate and White House. By 2016 even the patina of 'RyanCare' and contractual Fox propaganda will carry a political toxicity of near lethal dosage. A fresh, uncontaminated, authentic conservatism will be in demand, from which you, Mr. Ambassador, are presently removing yourself.
Doubtless I go too far, but I do so only to emphasize the rather inescapable logic of the GOP's coming moderation. For now, the party is trapped in a concentrically tightening ideology of self-righteous suicide, but at some pragamtic point it's bound to rediscover the liberating grandeur of just plain self-survival.
As a rather comic aside, here's irrefutable evidence that at any rate Mr. Huntsman hasn't yet the knack for appealing to the right's primary base of the infinitely slackjawed. "You cannot extrapolate our current spending levels on current assumptions that underlie Medicare and Social Security," says Huntsman, "and expect to be in a good place for future generations."
Dear Jon, you lost them on the third word.
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