I was downright misty eyed listening to Rick Perry's opening just now: his obscure, humble roots; his all-American-boyish heterosexual pursuit and its beaming progeny; his youthful "thrift" and industry; his love of freedom; his growing and keen awareness of American exceptionalism -- all contrasted with his pious loathing of wicked, European socialism.
Yet my eyes stopped misting and my belly started laughing as Mr. Perry moved on to a bit more specific analysis. Mostly there came from Perry some rather interesting economic history, such as that regarding President Obama's unique accumulation of debt. And looking forward, Perry declared us righteously unwilling to accept "four more years of rising taxes."
Into this muddle he threw some GOP-customary, anti-labor demagoguery, and later, thinking globally -- as Rick Perry is wont to do -- he added the obligatory observation that Obama has "encouraged our enemies."
My belly laugh erupted, though, when it seemed rather clear that Perry would omit from all this his special thanks to our "spendthrift" president for having balanced Texas' budget with his sinister, European-socialist stimulus funds.
Finally, the two sane residents of my house -- the two stationed safely, sanely away from the television, that is -- must have thought me mad, mad I tell you, when my laughing volcanically launched into uproariousness as Perry broke into a downhome, poetic musing about real change being on its way from the "wind-swept prairies."
Oh, sure, from hardworking, overtaxed farms and factories, too, but that "wind-swept" jazz was what really did it for me.
Like all common folk, I often wonder if there is a God. Today, my wondering was answered, for unquestionably some much higher power with an even higher sense of humor has given unto us perhaps 15 months of this yapping circus dog.
Oh, goody! Another wing nut to further split the wing nut vote among Republicans. So looking forward to the four-way cage match of crazy between Perry, Bachmann, Santorum and Cain.
No, I didn't include Palin, because she's not running. Sarah plain and tall has figured out how to milk the most media mileage, which in turn adds up to keeping her celebrity credibility high, thus keep those dollars rolling in. Sarah's not as dumb as she appears. Ill-prepared to be a serious politician on the national stage, debatable as a competent governor, but savvy when it comes to feathering her nest.
Romney is probably relieved Perry's joined the race, because "The Texan" and Bachmann will split the far right, making his nomination that much more likely. After which, he and T-Paw will go down to defeat next November in 2012. Remember, you heard it here first from this Canadian who's addicted to American national politics.
Posted by: Lyle Richardson | August 13, 2011 at 01:42 PM
Idunno, LR... that divine sense of humor has also given us a whole buncher people who believe pretty much the same things RP believes or claims to believe, and a buncher people more who may not believe them, but may be inclined to see his totality as preferable to whatever alternatives.
So the real joke may be that this guy could win - wipe the floor with the other wingers you name, and at a minimum give Mitt a run for the money.
...and once he's on the ballot in 50 states, anything could happen...
...a nonstop uproarious clowncar ride to wackyville!
Posted by: CK MacLeod | August 13, 2011 at 02:24 PM
Posted by: Anonymous | August 13, 2011 at 05:04 PM
Well, he was invited to Bilderderg this year. Just like another relatively unknown Governor of Arkansas before he became POTUS. Yup, Bill went to Bilderberg as an unknown before considering running. Think about that for a second, and you know Perry has it in the bag.
Posted by: Brad from Australia | August 13, 2011 at 05:20 PM
...yup, Bill went in '91. Sworn in Jan '93...
Posted by: Brad from Australia | August 13, 2011 at 05:22 PM
So, on 13 August 2011, America has its second Jefferson Davis emerge to challenge the Republic. All Jefferson Davis Perry has to do is be sure to convince Ms Bachmann to be his running mate and the 2nd attempt to terrorize and destroy the Republic will be underway.
I hope this isn’t something our Republic will have to experience every 150 years. I do know the outcome.
The Republic will prevail and emerge even stronger and more committed to the inalienable rights of every person.
Yes.We.Can. … DO.More.Together!
Posted by: Bobfr | August 13, 2011 at 10:50 PM
Rick Perry was the first politico spawned by Karl (turdblossum) Rove. He ran a filthy campaign against Jim Hightower for Agriculture Comm., a post with more power than Gov. in Texas. All the Gov does is sign execution orders and shoot off mouth (his or her's). The next spawn was junior Bush. The nickname turdblossum seems to suit Rove and his spawn quite appropriately.
Posted by: Rob | August 13, 2011 at 11:23 PM
Just watch and see who gets the most media attention....Perry or Romney. Then you'll know.
Posted by: holt | August 14, 2011 at 01:17 AM
God help this country if Scary Perry wins.
Posted by: AnneJ. | August 14, 2011 at 07:22 AM