OK. Maybe this is the official bottom.
"Here's what I need you to do to help me get [to the White House]: Stay informed," said Herman Cain to an "enthusiastic audience" in Dayton, Ohio today. Because, you see, "Stupid people are ruining America," added Cain.
Not a hint of self-knowing sarcasm. Not a wink, nor a nod, nor a grin. Nor was it anything fresh. Cain pronounced this particular insight much earlier this year, well before he began his climb to the top of GOP polling; it's sort of a cross between a Nuremberg rallying chant and a Huey Long slogan -- the perfect giggle line for the stupidest people in America.
Does it vaguely foreshadow the march of some conquering fascism? Of course not. But here, along related lines, is a fundamental difference between the hard, hard right and the squishy left, which the latter chronically fails to grasp: Virtually every member of the right helps to organize and then vote, making their collective voices disproportionately and extraordinarily powerful. The left? It paints signs and carries banners and protests inextinguishable human flaws, such as greed.
Is it any wonder we have a House-full and half a U.S. Senate of little Herman Cains?
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