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« George Will's got nothin' | Main | Thanks, Wonk Wire »

May 24, 2012



I've often thought that. I'll add to it: were it not for ignorance, apathy, prejudice, and fear, the GOP would have no hope of appealing to the vast majority of Americans. That's why they invest so much time and money ensuring the condition of America's electorate is favorable to them. Having their own "media" has been invaluable to this end, since reason and objectivity are their enemies.


Ghastly ignorance is a beast that definitely needs to be starved. Unfortunately as has been proven time and time again, facts merely bounce off the bubble. I see people all the time who are living with the consequences of trickle-down economic policies and still they blame Obama. They seem to have no sense of the idea that financial collapses do not happen overnight. They don't seem to pay enough attention to who they're voting for or even follow the easiest and most correct path-the money. Perhaps the late great George Carlin was right when he said "Maybe it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe it's the people who suck."


It is precisely the depth and breadth of this ghastly ignorance that people like Karl Rove understand and exploit so adroitly and which progressives seem to continually mis-underestimate (sorry, can't resist) at their peril.

Robert Lipscomb

I have been in the economy my whole life. Literally - I was born into this economy. I have papers.

May I be the president, please?

Pretty please????

Peter G

If twenty five years in the private sector taught Mr Romney how the economy works and how to create jobs why did his next job, as governor of Mass. feature such lousy job creation. The only three worse states had hurricane Katrina as an excuse. What's Romney's?

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