Going garden-variety tea party may be a little-noticed journey of historical ignorance and partisan infantilism, but being Mississippi Tea Party is such a violent immersion into a heart of political darkness and psychiatric rabies it evokes from rational onlookers both horror and humor.
To wit, snippets (with thanks to ThinkProgress' alertness) from the MSTP's official "STATEMENT ON OBAMACARE RULING":
The history books will mark this date as the day our constitutional republic was killed. It will now rest with We The People to decide if it will be resurrected or left to rot in the shallow grave dug for it....
The all out oppression of all people has begun....
When a gang of criminals subvert legitimate government offices and seize all power to themselves without the real consent of the governed their every act and edict is of itself illegal and is outside the bounds of the Rule of Law. In such cases submission is treason.... To resist by all means that are right in the eyes of God is not rebellion or insurrection, it is patriotic resistance to invasion....
[M]ay godly courageous leaders rise up in His wisdom and power to lead us in displacing the criminal invaders from their seats and restore our constitutional republic.
It remains unclear how caressing one's squirrel gun or polishing one's assault rifle at a drunken, drooling convocation at the local Pentecostal bastille will operationally serve the MSTP's holy purpose of "patriotic resistance" to "criminal invaders." But, who knows, maybe a wickedly devious ambiguity is the impenetrable genius behind their otherwise stunningly manifest threats of open rebellion and treason.
On the other hand, I doubt these prehensile memo-throwers experience physical and intellectual ease in even opening a beer can, what with their lack of opposable thumbs and heads lodged firmly in ass.
But back to the sane, sober, clean world, in which we're reminded that what passes for the "far left" in this country (still breaking the inhuman chains of city council-opposed bicycle paths!) almost inexpressibly detested yet nonetheless accepted Bush v. Gore and Citizens United as legitimate laws of the land, however intellectually illegitimate those Supreme Courts may have been in arriving at them.
The left's ultimate response (by and large)?--organize and mobilize and vote for a president who might very well have the opportunity to replace retiring, intellectually disturbed Justices with those of more jurisprudential and less partisan minds.
Simple maturity--a character trait seemingly forever absent among the far right.
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