God bless Republican Rep. Pete Sessions, who said, in negative response to Republican Rep. Tom Cole's suggestion of a little GOP sanity at the precipice: "The president’s solidified his position, and we have, too"--the "we" being crazier than ever, thus making it even easier for the president to just sit and wait for the new year.
Republicans have another chance to demonstrate that they're Americans first and petty, malicious rogues second, and naturally they're squandering that chance. The manifest fanaticism of Republicans on everything from prudent fiscal measures as confiscatory socialism to Rhodes-scholar ambassadors as treasonous nincompoops to accessible healthcare as Big Brother tyranny are merely the more prominent symptoms of a party gone hopelessly mad.
Really. They've reached a point of political psychosis. One single, senior House member--Cole--responsibly recommends one singularly responsible act--immediate passage of the Senate's middle-class tax breaks--and the party's speaker objects that "it’s not the right approach" and another House GOPer calls it "absurd" and another says it's the House's Tom Coles "who were here causing all the problems we are facing" and yet another protests that Cole's simple sanity fails to "[reflect] the attitude of the [Republican] conference." Amen.
A disconnect, a self-deportation from reality, a wholesale disdain if not demented unawareness of this month's earlier verdict--in short, a seemingly untreatable, political psychosis. Their words and their actions make them at best irrelevant and, God bless him, Pete Sessions has just made it official.
"They've reached a point of political psychosis."
Fair enough, but is this really new ground for you?
Posted by: Jaylemeux | November 29, 2012 at 12:16 AM