Wow. I just watched six minutes of Sean Hannity, a personal record. In them I learned that 18 months ago the Middle East was peaceful and stable under dictators but hey they were "pro-American dictators" and now under the Obama administration the region has gone to hell. I also learned there are administration officials who are quaking under all the administration's lies about the Benghazi Disaster and subsequent Cover-Up but hey they don't wish indictment on themselves so the Truth eventually will out. I learned this administration ruthlessly deceived us about the Benghazi Disaster for election purposes. I learned that the Benghazi Disaster (and subsequent Cover-Up) and the 1998 Kenyan Embassy Disaster were eerily similar in their terrorist planning, but Democratic administrations just don't get it.
I learned nothing about 9/11's terrorist planning. It wasn't mentioned on Sean Hannity's show.
Why do you bother to even glance?
I know you have more uplifting things to think about, watch and write about,..right?
I guess I am really, really tired on every article filled with what these 'repug medievalists' are thinking, saying and doing. Please spare us. It is tiring, especially after November the 6th's victory!
Posted by: caribbeanobserver | November 30, 2012 at 06:35 AM
I never, ever hesitate to shove 9/11 in the faces of people who want to make an issue of the killing of 4 government employees in war-torn Libya. Usually, its comparison to 3,000 civilians being killed on American soil is enough to shut them the hell up.
Posted by: Bob | November 30, 2012 at 08:58 AM