Gail Collins, on the lone sanity within the vast political nuthatch of Texas:
Texas is now engaged in a debate over whether it is worse to yell in the State Senate or declare a senator out of order for discussing the state abortion laws during a debate on abortion.
She ends on a more serious note (although, for all we know, Texas Republicans really are serious about the above):
A few years back, [Wendy] Davis told me about an incident during a debate when she had asked a veteran Republican a question about a pending bill. Dodging her query, he said: “I have trouble hearing women’s voices.”I guess they can hear her now.
Think creeping purple--egregiously slowed by the Supreme Court yesterday, for sure, but inevitable.
From what growing medium are these blossoms emerging?
Posted by: Peter G | June 27, 2013 at 01:11 PM
The good news about their obsessions with abortion and people of color is that the GOP has not noticed that Obama revamped our energy system and overhauled greenhouse gas emissions regulations.
Power plant emissions will be reduced through tighter regulations. The tax credits for energy efficient upgrades to buildings and alternative energy sources combined with regulations for more energy efficient appliances takes it further.
Car efficiencies are to be nearly doubled by 2025. We are now a net exporter of oil who will be the world's largest exporter by 2025.
Even now, we get less than 10% of our oil from the Middle East. I assume that alters the focus of our foreign policy in that area.
And seriously, no one noticed.
Posted by: Robert Lipscomb | June 27, 2013 at 01:18 PM
"Even now, we get less than 10% of our oil from the Middle East. I assume that alters the focus of our foreign policy in that area."
You would think so, Robert, in a rational world. But our Middle East policy is driven as much by religious, and therefore, irrational, beliefs as it is by realpolitik. So as long as we have politicians who think they can make Jesus come back by promulgating Armageddon, we'll be stuck over there.
Posted by: shsavage | June 27, 2013 at 03:16 PM