National Journal has this aspirational piece, "Inside the Messy but Moneyed Republican Plan to Neutralize the Tea Party," which, as the headline suggests, is all about the "center-right, business-oriented wing of the Republican Party ... gearing up for a series of [2014] skirmishes" against tea-party lunatics.
It's a pleasure to read, referencing as it does the ruthless battles to come, which, predicts NJ, "will be messy, ugly, and prone to backfiring." Man, this is vintage politics at its very finest, meaning bloody.
It's a pleasure to read, until, that is, one reaches this line, about two-thirds of the way in, regarding one of the "business-oriented" strategists who is taking the center-right troops into battle:
Greg Casey [is] president of a nationwide coalition of business groups called BIPAC. Like other business leaders and prominent Republicans, Casey was reluctant to identify specific targets for fear of antagonizing the conservative grassroots.
You know, that strategy worked well against Mongo. I don't think it will against the tea partiers.
See, what you have to do is kind of sneak up behind them and hit them with something stout and preferably metallic. Sharp helps too. Analogically speaking of course.
Posted by: Peter G | October 24, 2013 at 11:30 AM
And as soon as moderate Republicans break out of that wet paper bag they'll get right on it.
Posted by: Bruce Adams | October 24, 2013 at 12:28 PM