The Hill questioned former administration officials about Obamacare's problems-laden rollout, and the answers essentially boiled down to this one (which sounds very much like the rather plainspoken Robert Gibbs): "It still escapes me how they fucked up this badly on the president’s and the Democratic Party’s biggest legacy item in 20 years." (Actually, closer to 50.)
A major upside, though, is that notwithstanding the ACA's much longer-term workability, its bungled debut will be a veritable goldmine of dissertation research material in disciplines ranging from political and computer sciences to political history, political philosophy, economics, business management, public administration, industrial relations, psychosociology, and God only knows how many others.
I should think pre-research opinion on Obamacare's initial debacle favors President Kennedy's maxim on large organizational efforts--i.e., that there's always some son of a bitch who fails to get the memo.
In this instance it seems that that poor fellow was President Obama himself, which only confirms yet another maxim: Every second-term president reads up on, and thus vows to avoid, the blockage of critical information flowing up, which can easily bring the machinery of government down. Inevitably, though, it plays out, no matter how much wariness precedes. But what the hell. At least this play wasn't of Greek-tragedy magnitude.
Still, we should add classical literature to the above list.
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