Ah, it's Christmastime, that season of cheer, of brotherly love, of miracles on city streets and rejections of rural Pottervilles, of sleigh bells jingle-ing and ring ting tingle-ing, of bright-eyed toddlers, of snowflakes on noses, of brilliant lights, of glistening landscapes, of festive adornments, of decked halls and global joy and spiritual peace, of delighted children everywhere and ...
... of bemused elders beholding the one Christmas-devoted and Christmas-defending cable network as it debates, during primetime, whether or not "cocksucking faggot" is a homophobic slur.
Gather 'round, precious children. Gather, my innocents, and be witness to a Fox News Christmas, a rather hellish concoction of haters, harpies and hypocrites who morbidly war on Christmas like no holiday humanist ever dreamed of.
They're dreaming of a White Christmas just like the ones that should be law....
Posted by: Peter G | December 23, 2013 at 11:14 AM