CPAC's straw presidential poll loser winner is no surprise: Rand Paul, at 31%.
Next was Ted Cruz at 11%, then Ben Carson at 9% and Chris Christie at 8%.
Christie is of course toast, and his commensurate showing was but another non-surprise. Plus, this was CPAC, hardly Christie territory. A bit surprising was Cruz's poor showing; his Dole-bashing could account for a good deal of that, I suppose.
Carson is the one to watch, in my opinion. He's demagogically slicker than even Paul, who, with or without the nomination, will be squeezed into father-like obscurity, given that his isolationism just isn't a long-term match for such a bellicose base. Carson, I suspect, will be 2016's Herman Cain, only his half-life duration in the coming contest will be much longer than Cain's; more than that, he'll build name ID for 2020, after the GOP nominee gets himself demolished by Hillary in 2016.
Carson, a physician like Paul, is a full-blown wacko. He, you'll recall, is the "Obamacare is slavery" dude. He's also as current on economics as Rand is, meaning he resides in the dark ages. I know nothing about his foreign-policy views, but when he gets around to enlightening us, I'm sure they'll be, ahem, unique.
Again, watch Carson. That's my take.
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