The Washington Post:
There are more than 6.5 million registered voters in North Carolina. Slightly less than 16 percent of them turned out to vote in Tuesday's primary.
Shockingly low? Not at all. Sixteen percent is relatively high. Per Voter Update: "Just 14 percent of registered North Carolina voters went to the polls for [2010's] primary election"--virtually all of them fevered barbarians poised to reduce American governance to Zimbawean standards. They succeeded.
Yesterday's turnout follows months of consciousness-raising Moral Mondays, led by a man who would be my number one choice for a Presidential Medal of Freedom, William Barber.
Introduced in 2013, Moral Mondays are enlightenment timeouts for North Carolinians to reflect on their state's barbarous turn. They are also, it would seem, a very long undertaking. The state's Republican autocracy has opened whole new vistas in voter suppression and has joined other GOP provinces in a fundamental denial of human decency--namely, depriving hundreds of thousands of poor North Carolinians access to Medicaid--yet 84 percent of the state's voter-registered residents have yet to give a damn.
Perhaps by November? I wouldn't count on it. Nonetheless William Barber indefatigably marches on, which is another reason for that medal.
Hey a Zimbabwean I do take offence to the reference above ! We are only trying to achieve what you Americans have in a slightly different way !
Posted by: Monty | May 07, 2014 at 10:35 AM
Just one more example of the God-damned liberal media. Rev. Barber has gotten wall-to-wall media exposure, fawning over his communistic Nazi bunch of agitators.
Yet when a true patriot like Cliven Bundy takes a principled stand against the tyrannical notion that he should pay his bills, what does the MSM offer in the way of coverage? (insert sound of crickets chirping)
Posted by: RP | May 07, 2014 at 11:33 AM
I have little patience for bongo banging and finger wiggling as a way of getting anything done. This man Barber on the other hand shows what activism really means.
Posted by: Peter G | May 07, 2014 at 11:38 AM
Presidential Medal of Freedom and a Nobel Peace Prize.
Posted by: AnneJ | May 07, 2014 at 01:12 PM