Professor of government John Pitney, writing for Politico Magazine on House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy's Godfather-like personal debt-collections in securing the majority leader's post, has a splendid line about his erstwhile tea party rivals:
A number of [them] bear a passing resemblance to Fredo Corleone: Their skill sets don’t exactly match their aspirations.
The image bubbles effortlessly to mind--Pete Sessions or Jeb Hensarling having protested: "I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says, like dumb. I'm smart and I want respect!"
The real climax will come in 2016, though, as Nancy Pelosi renounces Satan's works amid the overtones of sonorous organ music and blasting shotguns.
If she kisses Pete Sessions on the cheek first, I'll be over the moon!
Posted by: Jason | June 15, 2014 at 03:46 PM