On the one hand, a new Gravis Marketing poll "finds that Jeb Bush barely edges Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in an open GOP primary race" — in Florida. On the other hand,
Since jumping into the race in mid-December, Bush has often netted a million bucks a day and sometimes more…. By the time Bush abandons the pretense about exploring a run and officially launches his campaign — which could be as soon as mid-April — allies believe his fundraising tally may approach $100 million, smashing the records set by Romney and Barack Obama four years ago.
Who could possibly be busier than Bush? His opposition-research team, which has likely already amassed a mountain of dirt on Walker, all of which merely needs an aggressive media consultant to spread it around. And he'll have plenty of money to do it with.
In the unlikely event that Bush's assassins produce only a molehill, not a problem. They'll then do what political operations have been doing for centuries: They'll just make stuff up.
The only indispensability here is the money.
Getting out there early and sucking up most of the available money worked for his brother did it not? I'm sure you've seen the Quinnipiac poll by now that puts every possible Republican candidate behind Clinton in double digits. Except for Jeb, who is neck and neck within the margins of error. Money likes winners.
Posted by: Peter G | March 06, 2015 at 08:14 AM