About an hour ago I was reading an essay on Henry Miller just as a replay of the Donald in Mobile was running, in the background, on C-Span. I swear, somehow, in my mind, the two merged when the essayist quoted a line from Miller: "Dear reader, you must see [a Trump rally] before you die, if only to realize how far into the future Dante saw."
Then again, some things never seem to change. Earlier I was thinking how similar DT is to Pat Buchanan during his 1992 presidential run. Here's an excerpt from his speech to the Republican convention about the LA riots of that year complete with demonizing racism, fear mongering and flogging a sense of alienation and loss:
They had come into Los Angeles late in the evening of the second day, and the rioting was still going on. And two of them walked up a dark street, where the mob had burned and looted every single building on the block but one, a convalescent home for the aged. And the mob was headed in, to ransack and loot the apartments of the terrified old men and women inside. The troopers came up the street, M-16s at the ready. And the mob threatened and cursed, but the mob retreated because it had met the one thing that could stop it: force, rooted in justice, and backed by moral courage.
'Greater love than this hath no man than that he lay down his life for his friend.' Here were 19-year-old boys ready to lay down their lives to stop a mob from molesting old people they did not even know. And as those boys took back the streets of Los Angeles, block by block, my friends, we must take back our cities, and take back our culture, and take back our country.
God bless you, and God bless America.
Posted by: Bob | August 22, 2015 at 07:26 PM
I saw a stat over at Washington Monthly that Trump is now expected by a survey of Republicans to win the nomination. Coming off of that recent Norman Ornstein piece that was more or less "Maybe this time really is different," I'm starting to become a believer. This is incredible, this Trumping we're all witnessing.
Posted by: ChrisL | August 22, 2015 at 07:54 PM