Andy, my boy, what were you thinking? There's little in this world that I enjoy as much as Swiftian remarks. And you make them so well. But, as you know, satire — good satire — must be based on reality. Which leads us to a high school setting of the dreaded compare and contrast.
True, your latest touches on reality, a moment of it, a flicker, a flash, one rare occurrence in which the U.S. Supreme Court recalled, though only by a majority of one, that we have a Constitution and from it, whole bunches of laws have sprung. Hence, your latest:
Nation Stunned By Apparent Existence of Rule of Law
Again, a touch, or, to be precise, an aberration. A welcome one, but on the other hand, a grim, ghastly one. It reminds us just how rarely the rule of law has reigned of late, as well as all that comes from its reliability. The latter appears to be shot.
What's more, no longer are we haunted only by the law's enforcers, those who've exchanged the very foundations of legal theory and Western civilization for self-interested, capricious lawlessness and Soviet-style governance. We chose to haunt ourselves.
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